consciously be.
At Consciously Be. we are reclaiming our right to our own healing. We believe everything starts from the inside. Our mission is to support the collective with conserving the wholeness within ourselves and our planet through internal healing. As we let ourselves feel all that we are, as we allow ourselves to heal, we begin to become whole again. We begin to, consciously, just be.

about jia li
I am a Consciousness Guide birthed through the experiences of this human life.
Certified in the Conscious Parenting Coaching Method by Dr. Shefali Tsabary, my life experiences and training have led me to this point, supporting you in your reclamation of your wholeness. You do not need to be a parent of an external child to work with me. Our work together comes from the place deep within where we (re)parent ourselves.
I am a guide that leads you back to you, to all the parts of you: your softness, your voice, your power. I hold the sacred space for you to find your way through the intimacy of your own healing process, so that you may find that sacred space within yourself. You are the only one that can heal you.
what clients say

Jia Li is certified in the Conscious Parenting Coaching Method by Dr. Shefali Tsabary. To explore Dr Shefali's work and learn more about Conscious Parenting Coaching visit the website.